
HM Queen Elizabeth II

Collegians shared the nation’s grief at the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II.  On the Sunday following her death (11th September 2022), Priest Collegian, the Revd Canon Paul Allton, preached in the College Chapel and his sermon may be found on … Read more

Jubilee Party 2022

Collegians and Trustees celebrated the Platinum Jubilee with a special lunch on Thursday 2nd June  

Silver Birch

The planting of this silver birch in the Chaplain’s Garden on 31st January was attended by a good number of collegians. The tree and its planting by Coolings was funded entirely by collegians who also will be providing a plaque … Read more


Collegians were saddened to learn of the death of Bob Marshall on 30th September.  Please remember him and Gill in your prayers.  For his biography, please see the Collegians’ Biographies page.


The Office Manager and Clerk to the Trustees is Joanna Frost She is available from Monday to Thursday, 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. The acting Chaplain is the Revd Angela King, who may be contacted via the College Office. … Read more