Essentials » Administration

The Colleges are run by a body of Trustees comprising six ex-officio members the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, the Bishop of Rochester, the Dean of St Paul’s, the Archdeacon of Bromley and Bexley and the Chancellor of the Diocese of Rochester together with seven co-opted Trustees.

In practice the duties of the Trustees are undertaken by the co-opted Trustees together with deputies appointed by the ex-officio Trustees, except for the Archdeacon, the Ven Allie Kerr who serves as a Trustee. The co-opted Trustees are Mr Richard Collins (Chairman), Mr David Thomas (Treasurer),  Mr Tony Bentley, Mr John Thorogood, Mr Christopher Scott, Mrs Lynda Stimson and Mrs Tina Hill.   The appointed Deputy is Mr Peter Morgan for the Dean of St Paul’s.  There are also two Collegian Trustees, Miss Kathleen Craig and the Rev’d George Baisley.

The day to day administration is in the hands of the Office Manager who is also Clerk to the Trustees.